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Problems in Biblical Theology:
Essays in Honor of Rolf Knierim
Edited by Henry T. C. Sun and Keith L. Eades
with James M. Robinson and Garth I. Moller
List Price: $49.00

Sigler Price: $24.00 

Cloth - 403 pp
ISBN 0-8028-3803-0


- Henry T. C. Sun

- James M. Robinson

1. Way Stations
- Hildegard Knierim

2. Approches to Old Testament Theology
- Rolf Rendtorff

3. Die Erfanhrung Hiobs.  'Konnektive' und 'Dsitributive' Gerechtigkeit nach dem Hiob-Buch
- Klaus Baltzer und Thomas Krüger

4. Stories of Adam and Eve
- Don C. Benjamin

5. The Qumran Scrolls and Old Testament Theology
- George J. Brooke

6. Structure Analysis and the Art of Exegesis (1 Samuel 16-14-18:30)
- Antony F. Campbell, S.J.

7. Festival Ideology in Chronicles
- Simon J. De Vries

8. Cosmos and History in Zechariah's View of the Restoration (Zechariah 1:7-6:15)
- Michael H. Floyd

9. Der Befreiende Gott: Zum Standort lateinamerikanischer Theologie
- Erhard S. Gerstenberger

10. Sin, Purification, and Group Process
- K. C. Hanson

11. Ganzheitsdenken in the Book of Ruth
- Robert L Hubbard, Jr.

12. The Language of Prophecy: Thoughts on the Macrosyntax of the debar YHWH and Its Semantic Implications in the Deuteronomistic History
- Klaus Koch

13. Letting Rival Gods Be Rivals: Biblical Theology in a Postmodern Age
- Burke O. Long

14. Yahweh's Compassion and Ecotheology
- Elmer A. Martens

15. Israel and the Nations in Isaiah 40-55
- Roy F. Melugin

16. Reflections on a Critical Biblical Theology
- Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm.

17.Problems in a Theology of (Only) the Old Testament
- Wolfhart Pannenberg

18. Meat Eating and the Hebrew Bible
- Stephen A. Reed

19. The Ninth Day: To Say 'Creation' in Genesis 1:1-11:26
- Stan Rummel

20. The Task of Text Criticism
- James A. Sanders

21. Beobachtungen zur Sachbewegung vorexilischer Gerichtsprophetie
- Odil Hannes Steck

22. 'The Place Which Yahweh Your God Will Choose" in Deuteronomy
- Yoshihide Suzuki

23. Tanak versus Old Testament: Concerning the Foundation for a Jewish Theology of the Bible
- Marvin A. Sweeny

24. Sin and 'Judgement' in the Prophets
- Gene M. Tucker

25. Gottes Handeln und Gottes Reden im Alten Testament
- Claus Westermann

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Sigler Press
9 Sycamore Drive
Mifflintown, PA  17059

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