List Price: $15.00
Sigler Price: $9.00
Paperback - 214 pp
ISBN 0-8006-2495-5
Fortress Press
-John W. Vannorsdall
Introduction: Whither Biblical Theology?
- John Reumann
1. The Law in the Sermon on the Mount, and the Sermon on the
Mount as Law
- Georg Strecker
2. Five Loaves and Two Fishes: Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical
- Phyllis Trible
3. The Jewishness of Jesus as an Approach to Christology:
Biblical Theology and Christian-Jewish Relations
- Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.
4. Canon as Shape and Function
- Jams A. Sanders
5. Historical Criticism: Liberator or Foe of Biblical Theology?
- Ulrich Mauser
6. Toward a Biblical Theology
- Robert Bornemann
7. Narrative Theology and Biblical Theology
- Robert B. Robinson
8. Preaching as Biblical Theology: A Proposal for a Homiletical
- Robert Kysar
9. Preaching the Parables
- Robert G. Hughes
10. Biblical Theology and Christian Education: A Partnership
- Margaret A. Krych
Afterword: Putting the Promise into Practice
- John Reuman |