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Ministry and Theology in Global Perspective
Contemporary Challenges for the Church
Edited by Don A. Pittman, Ruben L. F. Habito and Terry C. Muck.
List Price: $35.00

Sigler Price: $21.00 

Paperback - 524 pp
ISBN 0-8028-0844-1


Toward a Christian Theology of Religions

Pre-Twentieth Century Christian Views

1. Justin Martyr
2. Tertullian
3. Augustine
4. Nicolas of Cusa
5. Friedrich Schleiermacher

Contemporary Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Views

1. Karl Rahner
2. Georges Khodr
3. Raimundo Panikkar
4. Hans Küng
5. Paul F. Knitter
6. Gavin D'Costa

Contemporary Protestant Views

1. Ernst Troeltsch
2. Karl Barth
3. Hendrik Kraemer
4. Paul Tilich
5. John Hick
6. John B. Cobb Jr.
7. Choan-Seng Song
8. Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
9. Diana L. Eck
10. Lesslie Newbigin
11. James A. Borland
12. Don A. Pittman

Mission and Ministry

Four Views of Mission

1. Redmptoris Missio
- Pope John Paul II

2. Contemporary Evangelical Theology of Mission
-Donald A. McGavran

3. Mission and Evangelism - An Ecumenical Affirmation
- WCC Central Committee

4. Theology and Strategy of Pentecostal Mission
- L. Grant McClung

Mission in Non-Christian Religions

1. Mission-Minded Hindus Going Global
- Swami Palimi

2. A Comparative Religious Study of Missionary Transplantation in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam
- Frank Whaling

3. On the Nature of Islamic Da'wah
- Isma'il al Faruqi

Issues in Mission

1. The Absolute Claim of Christianity: The Justification of Evangelization or an Obstacle to It?
- Alenxandre Ganoczy

2. Dialogue and Mission: Conflict or Convergence?
- Michael Amalodoss

3. We Are the World
- James Engel

4. Mission and Mammon: Six Theses
- Jonathan H. Bonk

5. Contextualization from a World Perspective
- Robert J. Schreiter

6. Fundamentalisms Observed
- Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby

The Mission Fields

1. The Enduring Validity of Cross-Cultural Mission
- Lesslie Newhigin

2. Christian Mission in the Pluralistic Milieu: An African Experience
- Lamin Sanneh

3. Christian Mission and the People of Asia
- D. Preman Niles

4. Contextual Evangelization in Latin America: Between Accommodation and Confrontation
- Mortimer Arias

5. A Great New Fact of Our Day: America as Mission Field
- Craig Van Gelder

The Mission Challenge

1. Vision for Mission
- David J. Bosch

2. Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
- World Council of Churches

Dialogue and Ministry

The Why and How of Dialogue

1. Cosmic Dialogue
- David Lockhead

2. Dialogue, Encounter, Even Confrontation
- John R. Stott

3. Speaking the Truth in Love
- Pinchas Lapide and Karl Rahner

4. Dialogue and the Prophetic-Mystical Option
- David Tracy

5. Evangelicals and Interreligious Dialogue
- David J. Hesselgrave

Fruits of Dialogue: Toward Inner Transformation

1. Meeting Other Religious Traditions and Rethinking My Own
- Minoru Kasai

2. A Journey with the Unknown
- Bettina Bäumer

3. Christians and the Practice of Zen
- Yamada Koun Roshi

4. Taking Heart: Spiritual Exercises for Social Activists
- Joanna Macy

5. Toward the Meeting of Mystical Paths
- Ewert Cousins

Tasks for Interreligious Cooperation

1. Shalom: Complementarity
- Jacob Neusner

2. Social Activism and Spiritual Alternatives - An Islamic Perspective
- Chandra Muzaffar

3. Hinduism and Social Action from Women's Perspective
- G. Shanta

4. Buddhism and Social Values
- Sulak Sivaraksa

5. A Tradition of Thanksgiving
- Audrey Shenandoah

6. Ten Global Issues for Christian Reflection
- Jocele Meyer

Contact Information (See also Order Information to place orders)


Sigler Press
9 Sycamore Drive
Mifflintown, PA  17059

Phone (717)436-9167

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