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The Life of Jesus
Critically Examined

by David Friedrich Strauss
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Justification by Faith:
A Matter of Life and Death
by Gerhard O. Forde
List Price: $14.00

Sigler Price: $11.20 

Paperback - 103 pp
ISBN 09623642-5-8
Sigler Press


"Justification by faith alone" labels theologically the motor that energized the Reformation.  The dynamic behind the language can still mean renewal for theology and church today, but only if that legal metaphor is not left to stand alone.

Gerhard Forde calls for a recovery of Paul's equally vital metaphor of death-resurrection, which speaks of our dying to the old and being raised to new life in Christ.  Justification, he contends, is death and rising, and where these complimentary metaphors are allowed to interpret one another the Gospel can once again explode with all its power.

This fresh appropriation of the confessional witness contributes not only to an enhanced understanding of Reformation teachings, but also to an ecumenical dialogue that is zeroing in more closely on the catholic provenance and current vitality of the Augsburg Confession.

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Sigler Press
9 Sycamore Drive
Mifflintown, PA  17059

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Phone (570)389-8223

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